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  Barry Rose - Artist Pena Mural

     Mayor Federico Pena did a lot for the arts in Denver, amongst other things, establishing a percent for arts program by executive order. (The % for art law is a law that establishes that 1% of the gross budget of all public buildings must go to permanent artwork to be displayed on the site. Mayor Webb later succeeded in establishing  this law as hard legislation, rather than by executive order, so it would not be subject to the sensibilities of future mayors.) Those who were in Denver when Pena came out of nowhere to defeat Bill McNichols, may remember his campaign's signature inverted blue triangle yard signs. His name was on them, but the tilde was thought too ethnic and so was deleted. (Pena was, after all,  Denver's first hispanic mayor.)
     To honor Pena's commitment to the arts, the artist set up shop at an art fair in Larimer Square and invited people to help produce this 4' X 4' mosaic, with nothing on the blue triangle but the tilde. Note that the sign is casting a very artistic shadow, part of Pena's legacy. Federico himself came and glued some tiles on the mosaic, as did Rep. Pat Shroeder, who commented that she wouldn't glue in any windows in the cityscape,  because, "she didn't do windows". The mural, "Don't Just Imagine", was  installed and dedicated in the lobby of the Denver Civic Theater.
